
Strategy & Foresight

How to build your future? With Foresight (prospective)

The prospective approach is ideal for anticipating the future, defining the company’s vision in the broadest sense, building a long-term strategy for a sector, a company or a territory and/or driving change. It will therefore helps with:

  • ecosystem, drivers, actors mapping, phenomena and trends identification
  • scenarios building for the possible futures
Foresight Definition

« Foresight is anticipation to inform present action (the decision) in the light of possible and desirable futures » as defined by Mr Godet.

Le futur est plus à construire qu'à prédire

Tools & Techniques

Foresight methodology exploits tools and techniques used in other disciplines. These ones are indeed illustrated in the Popper diamond.

Firstly, where a couple of techniques focus on creativity, other ones focus on facts. Secondly, as for the approaches, they can be expert or rather collective. Thirdly, they evolve on a qualitative and quantitative axis.

As a result, there are a lot of options to choose from!

Image Strategy
Prospective Approach Steps

Let us start with setting the problem … and the questions to answer

Here again, it will be important to define the scope of the project in terms of theme, territory (geography and nature), temporality, objectives, … and, as for any project, in terms of budget and deadline.

Tme will come to choose an approach amongst the numerous ones: exploratory, strategic, visionary, procedural or prescriptive

As next step, we will carry out a state of play by identifying the actors and drivers of change. We will afterwards map them on a system, according to their degree of influence

We will conduct surveys of participants: experts, citizens, mixed group, … and as a result formulate hypotheses of evolution The collection of information can of course be carried out using various techniques: interview, questionnaire, workshop, … It is important to note that these are indeed hypotheses and not forecasts!

At this stage, we can build scenarios based on a heuristic, morphological, bifurcation method, … by thinking as broadly as possible and without constraints. By the way, Risk Management also adopts this approach to building scenarios with « worst case » and « best case » scenarios.

Among these futures, we will explore those that are possible and desirable.

Time has come to define strategic options

And to finally Lead Change!

Intelligence as a means of knowing the context of your organization

Do you want to increase your knowledge of the ecosystem?

Intelligence allows you, based on your stakeholder’s expression of needs, to collect data (OSINT, HUMINT, SOCMINT), Analyze and Disseminate it.

Those data can be diverse:

  • insights and trends for market, competitors and prospects & customers
  • identification of vulnerabilities & threats and risk management
  • ...

OSINT: Open Source INTelligence
HUMINT: HUman source INTelligence
SOCMINT: SOCial Media INTelligence

Do you want to take appropriate decisions?


  • Examination of data to better understand them
  • Link data to company challenges to provide insights
  • Detection of trends, cycles, weak signals, …
  • ...

La règle, c'est que le général qui triomphe est celui qui est le mieux informé

Image Intelligence


How to stay in the race? With Innovation

= continuous improvement of the existing product, service, process, organization, business model, ...:

  • creation of innovation processes
  • implementation of the innovation processes

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower

Image Innovation

Quality & Compliance

Quality & Compliance: two sides of the same coin
How to streamline your process? With Quality
  • ISO 9001:2015 implementation or improvement
  • Quality Management System building

We can help you covering the following aspects:

  • Context of the organization
  • Stakeholders management
  • Risk management
  • Leadership approach
  • CAPA management with root cause analysis
  • KPI’s definition and follow-up
  • Customers’ satisfaction surveys and Voice of Customers’ program
Image Compliance
How to check you are doing a good job? With Compliance
  • internal audit on organization
  • ISO 9001:2015 guidance for certification
  • Help when customers come to audit your system
  • ...

Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value. Nothing else constitutes quality

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